Since your ear is a microsystem of the human body, ear seeds can help extend the benefits of your acupuncture treatment. Ear seeds are usually radish seeds that are placed on specific acupuncture points in your ear that correspond to different parts of your body. (Some acupuncturists will use very tiny gold or silver balls instead of radish seeds in the ear. ) The seeds are covered and held in place with surgical tape on your ear. They will stay on when you shower and sleep. I usually recommend that my patients leave them in for 3-5 days if possible. Sometimes your ear will turn slightly red or feel warm-that is normal. If the ear seeds bother you, simply peel them off and throw them away. No worries. The idea is that after an acupuncture treatment, I can give you an ear seed that you can press on in-between treatments to help relieve pain or stress. It’s like taking your acupuncture treatment with you. Comments are closed.