What does acupuncture treat?
While I am tempted to say everything, I usually answer with, “What doesn’t it treat?” Acupuncture treats the mind, body and spirit. Many people associate acupuncture only with pain. While acupuncture is very effective in treating pain, it is also very helpful with many other conditions. I’ve listed the most commonly treated conditions below:
- Headaches & Migraines
- Arthritis & Joint Pain
- Hot Flashes
- Allergies
- Speed recovery from surgery
- Post Stroke
- Acid Reflux / GERD
- Hip & Back Pain
- Vertigo / Dizziness
- Colds
- Asthma
- Low Energy/ Fatigue
- Stress
- Hypertension
- Anxiety / Panic Attacks
- Insomnia & sleep disorders
- Complications from diabetes
- Infertility (male and female)
How does acupuncture work?
Chinese medicine is based around the smooth flow and balance of Qi (pronounced chee) in the body. Qi is living energy. Qi moves through the body by way of meridians or channels (think of them as rivers where the Qi flows through). When these meridians are blocked or imbalanced, then pain and disease occur. Acupuncture restores the smooth flow and balance of Qi in the body. What I tell my patients is, think of Qi as energy. This energy flows through rivers in your body. If a river gets damned up or blocked, then it can't flow smoothly anymore; therefore, you will feel pain and discomfort in those places which are blocked. By inserting thin, acupuncture needles in various places in your body will "unblock" those painful areas and help your body to heal.
What about the needles?
Acupuncture is the insertion of very fine needles into various points on the body to help rebalance Qi and reduce pain. Acupuncture needles are flexible and often thinner than a cat’s whisker. Each needle comes sterilized and is used only once. Needles may be inserted on your arms, legs, back, stomach, head, hands or feet. The number of needles used during treatment depends on the patient’s condition. For children and those who are in a weakened state, I use only 4-6 needles. Other patients may receive up to 15 needles. It only takes a few minutes to insert the needles, and then you will have some time to relax while the needles are in place.
What does acupuncture feel like?
Not everyone will have the same acupuncture experience. Once the needles are inserted, some people may feel a dull, achy sensation, others may notice that the area feels warm or tingling and some may not feel anything at all. I do my best to provide pain-free insertion, but on some areas of the body (top of hands and feet), you may feel the needles go in, but that sensation will go away quickly. If at any time you feel uncomfortable with a particular needle, just let me know and I will remove it. I listen and respect your level of comfort.
When can I expect results?
Unfortunately, there is no definitive answer for this. Results do vary for each person and for each condition and depend on the nature and length of time that you have been experiencing your condition. For acute conditions may take three to five treatments to resolve, but more chronic conditions will take longer. For example, if you sprained your ankle two days ago and then come for a treatment, it make take only two or three treatments before it is resolved. But if you have had ankle pain for 25 years, it will take a longer course of treatment. The benefits of acupuncture are cumulative and build on each other, so it is important to get regular acupuncture treatments (e.g. once or twice a week). Most patients will experience a gradual relief of their symptoms or improvement of well being over the course of treatment. I often suggest that patients come for six treatments initially (two times a week for three weeks) and then we’ll discuss your progress and decide future course of treatments.
What can I expect after a treatment?
Many people report feeling relaxed after their acupuncture treatment. Many times the pain and discomfort is significantly reduced, but sometimes acupuncture can elicit a “worse before better” reaction where a symptom flares up before going away. Acupuncture can also cause emotions to arise that are part of a healing process. If you have any concerns, please contact me.
Do you accept insurance?
Currently I do not accept insurance, but I would be happy to provide you with a receipt (called a superbill), which you submit to your insurance company for reimbursement. Each insurance company is different, so please check with them to see if they cover/ or will reimburse you for acupuncture treatments.
Unfortunately, there is no definitive answer for this. Results do vary for each person and for each condition and depend on the nature and length of time that you have been experiencing your condition. For acute conditions may take three to five treatments to resolve, but more chronic conditions will take longer. For example, if you sprained your ankle two days ago and then come for a treatment, it make take only two or three treatments before it is resolved. But if you have had ankle pain for 25 years, it will take a longer course of treatment. The benefits of acupuncture are cumulative and build on each other, so it is important to get regular acupuncture treatments (e.g. once or twice a week). Most patients will experience a gradual relief of their symptoms or improvement of well being over the course of treatment. I often suggest that patients come for six treatments initially (two times a week for three weeks) and then we’ll discuss your progress and decide future course of treatments.
What can I expect after a treatment?
Many people report feeling relaxed after their acupuncture treatment. Many times the pain and discomfort is significantly reduced, but sometimes acupuncture can elicit a “worse before better” reaction where a symptom flares up before going away. Acupuncture can also cause emotions to arise that are part of a healing process. If you have any concerns, please contact me.
Do you accept insurance?
Currently I do not accept insurance, but I would be happy to provide you with a receipt (called a superbill), which you submit to your insurance company for reimbursement. Each insurance company is different, so please check with them to see if they cover/ or will reimburse you for acupuncture treatments.